Monday, July 13, 2009

Home Sweet Home?

Growing up I was always told that, "When you move out and have your own home then you can do things your way." But, I've come to realize that statement does not hold true in the real world. I'm out, I'm on my own, but I'm not really on my own. I don't think I will ever be on my own.

When you live with someone it is no longer "your way" or "there way" it has to now be "our way", and unless your partner agrees with you on everything (which let's face's a rarity), they comprimises have to be made. Lately, I feel like I have to comprimise on everything.

It is very important to me to live in a nice house, with nice things. It sounds very superficial, but, that's just how I am. I will not go get a "free chair" out of the garbage, just because it is free and I need a chair. I will live without a chair and wait untill I can afford to buy the one I really love. Then I will have that thing I love forever. I would rather wait to have something nice, then have it now for free.

I absolutly hate "mess" of any kind. I hate clutter. If it is something you don't use, then get rid of it. I hate getting things that, "MIGHT come in handy one day", or "If I just tear this off, and put this on then I MIGHT be able to get this running and it COULD actually work". I hate "nick knacks". I need my house to be clutter free, so my mind can be clutter free as well. I am not happy in a house that is full of, "crap".

I need my house to be well decorated. I need things to match. I like there to be a color scheme, and things to look like I intentially put them there.

I absolutly HATE cleaning up other peoples mess. If you want to really piss me off. Then you can come over to my house, dirty a dish, and not rinse it off. But, I would rather you not piss me off. I think me, cleaning up your mess, is the most annoying thing in the entire world. You are an adult, you are perfectly capable of doing this yourself.

These are all things that I have to sacrifice to live with anyone: roomate, boyfriend, spouse, anyone. I feel like I am sacraficing all these things just to not be alone. I have to sacrifice the things that keep me sane and make me happy, just so I don't end up alone.

But then I have to wonder, would I be happier alone?

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