Sunday, December 6, 2009

False Expectations

Why are we censoring reality? Is there such a thing as sheltering the world too much?

Yes, I believe in happy endings. I believe that there are "happily ever afters" but I also believe that "happily ever afters" can only go on so long. Eventually you die. Eventually it all ends. And there is no stopping it. Sorry, I'm blunt, simple and too the point. But, I don't censor, like now-a-days.

The fairy-tails that our great-great-grandmothers grew up with were real. The little mermaid never got her prince, the evil stepsisters carved their feet off, and snow white died. Simply put: they were real fairy-tails. There was none of this "happily ever after" that we think there was.

I understand that sheltering your kids from reality is a great job of a parent, but really, is there too much. Take the most popular series now-a-days "Twilight", is this really a great example that we should be giving our kids *SPOILER ALLERT*. Among all odds, there is a "happily ever after". Everything ends up being absolutly perfect when you are 18 years old, and your first love will be the love of your life forever and eternity. Seriously dudes. That is not how it works. Most of the time highschool love isn't really highschool love, and your marriage at 18 is most likely not going to work. Simple story. Why are we giving kids all these false expectations of how "life really is".*SPOILER OVER*

Isn't this all just setting people up for an even bigger dissapointment? If you are expecting to find the love of your life when you are 18, getting married, and living "happily ever after", wouldn't you be more dissapointed then if you believe that love happens when it happens, and it might not for a long time. Seriously. I hate all these false expectations.

Here is the true story: Life sucks sometimes, you don't always get what you want, and life doesn't work out the way your plan. BUT, there are times that are amazing, there are moments that take your breath away, and life truly is worth living. Shoot for the stars, but if you only make it half way, be happy nestling in the clouds because you will know that was the best you could do, and you tried your hardest.

There are no "Happily Ever Afters", but as long as you live happy, there are "Happily Ever Todays".

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