Tuesday, March 30, 2010


For about the last week I have had the most gnarly sickness I have had in a while. It started on about wednesday with some wonderful nausea all night long and a temp of 102. So, I called in sick on thursday and stayed up with a terrible fever all day long. I went back to work on friday, which was a bad idea because I ended up having white spots on my throat when I got there and I felt like I got a fever. I pulled through the end of the day and made an appointment to see my doctor in the afternoon. Turns out I had strep throat...great???

The doctor gave me some anti-biotics and said all my symptoms should be gone within 24 hours, and if they weren't, then to come back and they would test for mono. I spent the whole weekend huddled under a million blankets with a fever, not being able to eat, and my throat was still soar. Awesome? I went back to the doctors on Monday and they said I have all the symptoms of Mono...so I had to get my blood drawn and get tested. They gave me a doctors note, and I am not allowed to go back to work until friday.

So, the test came back negative...no mono!!!...just a gnarly viral infection on top of my strep...so I have been miserable...and had to miss an entire week of work. Which is great on the bank account??? NOT!!!!

My blood test did show that I have a really low blood count, so I do have to go back and get a follow up blood test in three weeks to make sure I don't have a blood clotting condition. If they are making me wait three weeks for the blood test they must not be too worried....so I'm sure it's fine.

Just keeping everyone up to date.

Don't expect me out of the house for a while. I'm broke. I had to scrape every nook and cranny I could find today just to come up with a couple dollars to buy groceries. Awesome??

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