Sunday, July 24, 2011


For the first time in my life I want to be alone. I want and need time to concentrate on just myself. I am starting to enjoy, and relish in my alone time. Today, was the first day I turned off my phone on purpose. I clicked it off, and left in the car for several hours. I didn't check facebook, I didn't go online, and had no social contact with anyone besides my family. I felt so liberated. I felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I had no one to worry about besides myself. I didn't have to care about anyone elses problems or worry about "what's next". It was all just me, in the momment, alone. And I loved it more then ever.

My new goal is to focus on "me time", and focus on being more okay with being alone. If I can't be happy with myself, how can anyone else be happy with me? I need time to focus on me, and just making myself better. If it doesn't have to do with the following, I don't care:
  • School
  • Work
  • My Family
  • The Bible/Church
  • My health (nutrition & working out)
I'm going to focus my attention mainly on those four things, and go from there. I think at this time of my life I just need to be selfish and find the things that make ME happy, and make ME feel good. I love me, and I need time to just focus on myself. I love being Alone.

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