Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kissing Boys Only Leads To Trouble

I am the most stubborn person in the world (probobly the reason I work so well with 2 year olds). Usually, my stubborness is a quality I enjoy about myself. It leads to me not being defeated. If I want something, I go for it. But, there is another aspect of my stubborness that isn't so kind: the fact that I have to learn things the hard way. No matter what people will tell me, how bad of an idea something is, I wont listen. Even the best advice goes right past my head, because I have to experience everything for myself first. And that is just how it works. I am the most stubborn person in the world.

I hate finding out things the hard way. I seem to lose people/hurt people in the process. I have taken on a new title of "The Queen of hurting peoples feelings". It's awesome. Is it something I am proud of? No. But, it's just something that happens. I use my stubborness to learn my lessons.

Specifics do not need to be mentioned for how/why I have come to this conclusion about my stubborness, but it's just something I have grown to realize: I learn things the hard way.

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