Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I was talking to a friend the other day, and we were discussing the subject of "blogging". We both realized that we really only blog when we are depressed. And sometimes we say things on blogs that we don't really mean, but we are just in such a crappy mood, we have to say it. And after looking back at some blogs, I have realized that this can definatly be the case. Some of my blogs seem to be very wishy washy, one blog will be super happy, and the next will complete negate the previous one. How annoying. But really, after thinking it over: isn't that how life is? Some days, you will be in a complete crappy mood, where nothing goes right, then the next, something happens that is completely amazing, and your mood just skyrockets?! I guess, my style of "Blogging" is just real?

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