Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Blogger's call a MEME

Through all the bordem of my last several days, I've been frantically browsing blogs for some sort of random entertainment. My ussual "research" has gone down the wayside, and I have started to get more entertained with the random blogs you can find on the internet. Now, don't worry guys, I will still do my "research" from time to time, and let you know the absolute most random facts in the world that you can find from typing "butt" into google, but for now, blogs are my thing.

One thing I have found is that the random surveys that we youngin's used to do on Xanga, Myspace and now the ever-popular, ever-sick, Facebook, are called "MEME's" on Blogs? I'm confused? What does that stand for, and am I using it in the right context. I'm not sure. I'm still not used to this blog thing.

Is there a blogging 101?

Anyways, I've decided to complete one of these so called "MEME's" to see if they are fun. I want to get into this professional blogging thing.

So here goes:

Four people I hope are eaten by a rabid pack of Velociraptors – a type of dinosaur that should not to be confused with chiropractors unless they also happen to have cannibalistic tendencies:

  1. Paula Abdul! She knows what she has done
  2. That girl with the HUGE TEETH on dancing with the stars! She absolutly drives me nuts. If there was a teeth shortening service, she should be first in line!
  3. People that pronounce things correctly, rather then what is convenionly correct. Example: Pronouncing "Culinary" "COOOlinary"....We all know the correct way to say that word, but no one really cares, and you are definatly not better then us.
  4. Anyone that is anerixicly skinny, although, you probably don't have enough meat for the velociraptors to eat anyways....oooo...burn!

Four drinks I love:

  1. Anything tastes better when you make it Irish! The Irish really know what's going on.
  2. Wine
  3. Diet Coke
  4. Anything I can blow bubbles into

Four favourite quotes:

  1. "What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?" John Cusak, High Fidelity. You know, I've never actually seen the movie, but I probably should, it sounds pretty awsome!
  2. Anything Dean Winchester says on Supernatural! Gosh, I could watch that show daily, and still laugh my ass off. Dean:You know what, there's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams, and that they shoot rainbows out of their ass!
  3. "I'm sorry I farted in your purse"--Baby Mama, although, EVERY LINE from baby mama is absolutly amazing.
  4. "Life is what happens when you are making other plans"--John Lennon, he's pretty amazing.

Five things to do before I die:

  1. I would absolutly love to travel around the world. I want to visit every continet! Just once at least. Is that too much to ask from someone who wants to be a perfessional day-care teacher? HA
  2. Buy a nice house, and have a wonderful garden! I have always wanted a "secret garden"
  3. On the way home yesterday I was listening to a Meatloaf song, and wondered, "what wont he do for love?" So, perhaps, one day I would like to find the answer.
  4. Never watch The Matrix, because it sucks! (I've only seen parts, and it sucks!)
  5. You know, the whole, get married, have kids, and be financially stable and happy blah blah blah...pretty basic.

Five famous women I’d also like to do naughty things to:

  1. Scarlet Johanson. She is so smoking!
  2. Scarlet Johanson
  3. Scarlet Johanson
  4. Scarlet Johanson
  5. Scarlet Johanson

yea....that's about it.

Okay...those MEME's aren't as fun as they seem. But it definatly kept me entertained for a while!

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