Saturday, September 10, 2011

Secret Single Behavior

Not So Secret Anymore

When I am alone, in the privacy of my own house I do the following:
  • Walk around in my underware.
  • Take off my bra in random places and leave it there (I once found it in the kitchen).
  • Brush my teeth while walking around the house doing chores.
  • Lay on the couch and rub my tummy.
  • Pass out on the couch in the middle of the day while watching T.V.
  • Pass out on the couch in the middle of the day while watching T.V with food still in my mouth.
  • Wake myself up by snoring myself awake AFTER passing out on the couch in the middle of the day while watching T.V with food still in my mouth.
  • Lay in my bed and eat food at two o'clock in the morning.
  • Lay in bed and eat food in general, while watching T.V.
  • Floss my teeth at any given momment.
  • Wear my hair at the top of my head.
  • Walk out to the mailbox in my boxer shorts, and no bra.
  • Burp.
  • Fart.
  • Spit.
  • Play Tony Hawk, or Mortal Kombat.
  • Talk to myself.
  • Laugh at myself.
  • Draw pictures of stupid things and then laugh at them.
...Among other things.

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