Running, Working out, and Dieting...
...are some of the things I have not been doing succesfully lately. I am actually starting to regain some of the weight that I had initially lost. I have reached an awful breaking point in my weight goal--a part where my weight is doing the opposite of what I want. I need to reboost my weight loss.
I have a membership to a gym that I have paid for, for the last two months, and I have used it exactly ZERO times. I am loosing my adreniline that I had built up. I need to go back. I miss running. I miss the running high. I miss it all.
And yet, I just can't get the motivation again. I need to find a way to get the motivation I had last year.
I have a fridge full of healthy food, and yet all I want is burgers, and pizza, and fat-carbfilled-food. Yum.
I need motivation to get my butt back into gear.
I need that motivation too...