Monday, April 19, 2010

Secret Celebrity Crushes

I know, sounds like a very random post. And yes it is. But I just wanted to admit to some secret celebrity crushes. I know most people have crushes on the typical: Jeffery Dean Morgan, Jude Law, Gerard Butler, Robert Downey Jr. etc. But I just wanted to admit to several not so expected celebrity crushes that I seem to have.

Every single time I watch a Judd Apatow film, there seems to be a secret celebrity crush of mine...yum!

The show "Freaks and Geeks" is a perfect example:

Jason Segal--I just can't help it. He is super adorable, and he always plays such adorable characters in movies/shows that I can't help but have a cute little crush on him. Plus....vampire musicals....awesome! Ha! Even though recently he has gotten a little chub....chub is adorable on the right guy.

Seth Rogan--I can't help it. He always makes things awkward in movies/shows and stuff. But he is just so adorable in his own little chubby/funny way. Ha!

And yes, both of them were in "Freaks and Geeks" and both of them were adorable. And yes, it was a Judd Apatow production...because he is awesome. I guess I just have a soft spot for a dweeb. I have a soft spot for someone I know is a freak or a geek. And I just wanted to explain to the world that I will always be the nerd, and I will always love the nerd. Nerds are awesome!


  1. I totally bought the freaks and geeks series for my mom for christmas last year!

  2. I totally bought freaks and geeks for Ivy for christmas last year! HA!
