Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year

Last January was the first time I made New Years resolutions. I have never made resolutions before then, because I was always afraid of failure, but I decided to make several last January, despite my pessimism.

Reflecting over my resolutions from last year, I realize, that I still have a long way to go for several of them:

1) Eat Well, and Exercise often.

For the most part, I have done this. In this last year I have found out I am insulin resistant, so with that, I was forced to eat well. I have done well with eating well. The exercise is a different story...

This year, I hope to continue to eat well, but add in some exercise. Steph and I are going to join a gym and hopefully do a boot camp in January, so that will help guide me along in this new venture.

BIKINI BY SUMMER! That is my goal!

2) Put at least $3000 in my savings account by the end of the year.

CHECK!!!! I'm so proud of myself!

3) I will not live up to the "Super Hard Core Mega Bitch Extreme" name.

Nope! Not even close. I think in this last year I have come more to terms with that name, and no longer do I find it a "bad" name. I feel like that name does not represent a bad side of me, but rather a side of me I enjoy. If you are nice to me, I am your best friend, but if you betray me, or lose my trust, I live up to my name. I think it is a way of helping me with coming to terms with my next resolution:

4) I will not hang out with people that do not support me, who I am, or make me into a bad person.

This was my toughest resolution from last year, and I am sad to report that this is not accomplished at all. I think I have realized that everyone I know has their moments of not supporting me, and who I am. The problem is, is that I live during an age where everyone is so self-centered, that no one really cares enough. I feel that I have very few close friends, and even fewer that actually understand and support me. I will continue working on this, but I am coming to terms with the fact that this is more of a "life long" resolution then one that can take place in only a year. It's more of a life goal, then a resolution.

I am proud of myself for actually accomplishing the few resolutions I had. If not actually completing the goal, I at least know I'm on the right path to completion.

Bring on 2010, this year will be the best, because it is now.

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