Saturday, September 22, 2012

Preschool Momment

 It was early in the morning and there was only one little boy in my preschool class. He was quietly reading a book to himself, so I began to work on a project. Since it was just him and I quietly in the room, and he was reading, I felt it was a good time to work on a project I had been needing to do for a while.

I sat there quietly cutting and gluing when I heard little footsteps next to me. He placed an empty cup down and said, "Here is your coffee!" I said, "Oh thank you *Frankie*, I was really needing a cup of coffee this morning." and I took a pretend sip out of the cup. He quickly left and I got back to my project.

Moments later I heard more footsteps next to me. He started to shake a fake spice into my drink, "Here's some cinnamon" and quickly left. Again, he returned with another item for my coffee. This time he had a cup and began to pour a pretend substance into my "coffee." "And here is some cream Ms. Amber". "Thank you!" I told him, "You make the best coffee!"

For the rest of the morning he followed me around and made sure I had my coffee with me. I would move from one side of the classroom to another and he would carry my coffee for me.

Some days, I love my job.

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