Sunday, August 1, 2010

Confience is a Weird Thing

I've been working out at the gym pretty regularly, or going for runs in my neigborhood. I love running. I love the running high you get, and the way your legs feel all rubbery after. I love the adreneline and the confiedence you feel afterwards.

But, no matter how hard I work out, and how thin I'm getting, I'm still not as confident as I used to be at my smallest. I'm really happy with my body size, and they way I look, but there are still things that make me feel...weird?

I've been working really hard to be able to wear a two peice bathing suit, but now that I am there, I'm still not confident enough to wear it.

I'm about to leave for Europe shortly, and I have to figure out which bathing suit to bring:

This one:

Or This one:

The top one was/is the bathing suit that I was working to wearing, but I still feel more confident in the bottom one. I think ultimatly I still feel more confident in the one piece...although I know I don't look awful in the first one. It's weird how your confidence changes depending on what you wear.

What are your opinions?

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