Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Lately, I have just had no motivation to write, and frankly no one reads this anyways. I've always said that I write more often when I am depressed rather then when I am actually happy, and I guess it is true, because lately I have just lacked motivation, but I have been happier then ever.

Things change when I get happy, I write less, but I do more. I spend less time on the computer, and get more motivation to clean the house and do things that need to get done, but, I think the change that I really need to work on is: my bitchiness. When I am happy, I get even more bitchy to certain people then normal. To anyone that I think might stiffen my happiness....I bitch at. Seriously, It's awful. If you say, "I'm sick", I say, "Who Cares?"...really, I don't know what is wrong with me?

I think it all goes back to the fact that I am happiest when I am alone. And since everyone annoys me, I don't want one person to stiffen my happiness with their stupid, annoying, little problems. Ha! And yes, that is such a little bitchy move, but I guess that is just me.

I'm worried though that I am going to push away what little friends I do have with my blunt, rude, bitchy, attitude. Although, I am happiest alone, I do appreciate my friends.

I guess the real test of friendship, is to see if you can handle me when I am truly happy? Ha, I'm really odd.

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